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The Flou Studio is an integral part of the framework. It let's you work with your Networks of Agents interactively and visually greatly improving the developer UX.

You can access the Studio visiting http://localhost:8001/.

Visual representation

With the Studio's visual representation you can navigate your LTMs viewing the whole structure at a glance making it much easier to form a mental model of complex Networks of Agents. By clicking in a State you can see additional properties in a tooltip.

Each State status has an unique color and you can see the current transition/execution by an animated dashed line.

You can collapse and expand nested LTMs by clicking in the collapse/expand icon. Double clicking on a sub LTM zooms into that particular sub LTM isolating it and letting you work on just parts of the network.

A sample collapsed LTM A sample expanded LTM
Collapsing and Expanding LTMs

When working with parameterized LTMs and concurrency you can click on a parameterized State to see every spawned instance and zoom into one.

Parameterized instances
Parameterized instances


The Inspect section of the Studio can be used for observability and inspection of production traces of your LTMs. You can list every executed LTM and see the details of a particular one.

The inspector updates in real-time as your LTM executes.

Execution history (snapshots)

Snapshots table
Snapshots table

The Flou Engine saves a snapshot of you LTMs at every State execution and performed transition. In the Studio you can navigate the execution history at any point in time.

You can see an ordered list of every snapshots to trace and inspect the execution and see the State statuses and store values and how they evolved.

Store inspection


At any point in time you can inspect a snapshot of the internal store of the LTM (and any sub State) or see what particular changes (diff) were made to the store in that snapshot.


In the Studio's playground you can not only inspect an LTM but interact with it, modifying it's state. You can either create an LTM instance from scratch (Playgroud > + New LTM) or inspect a production LTM and "Copy and Open LTM in Playground" to interact with it.


Transition form
Transition form

You can manually perform a transition by filling the label, namespace and optional params and payload in the transition form. The transition and executions will be updated in real-time.

Rollback & Replay

When developing a Network of Agents it's common practice to retry certain steps, i.e. calls to LLM models. Flou is equipped with rollbacks to go back to any point in time and continue the execution from that point onwards. It also let's you replay a certain transition so you don't need to manually input that transition again.

Rollback & Replay buttons
Rollback & Replay buttons

Flou is designed so it never looses any information; when performing a rollback it gets saved and you can "undo" any rollback you have performed keeping the whole execution history.

Rollbacks history
Rollbacks history