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Setting up a local dev environment

To start contributing to flou create a local python & node environment and install all the dependencies by following these steps.

  1. Clone this repo:

    % git clone
    % cd flou
  2. Create a python virtual environment:

    % python -m venv venv
    % source venv/bin/activate

    Whenever you start a new terminal start the virtualenv with source venv/bin/activate.

  3. Install the python dev dependencies:

    (venv) % cd flou
    (venv) % pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
    (venv) % cd ..
  4. Install a local javascript node env and install the js dependencies.

    (venv) % nodeenv -p
    (venv) % source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) % cd studio
    (venv) % npm install
    (venv) % cd ..

    Note that the venv needs to be re-activated just after installing > nodeenv in order to activate it this first time.

  5. Install the docs requirements

    (venv) % cd ../docs
    (venv) % pip install -r requirements.txt
    (venv) % cd ..

Running Flou for contributing

We need to run each part of Flou in it's own terminal.

  1. You will need a local redis and postgresql instance. If you don't want to install them locally you can run them via docker.

    % docker compose up db cache
  2. To run the api and engine you will need to create a sample Flou project.

    • Run the Flou Api and visit http://localhost:8000/docs :

      % cd my_flou_project
      % source venv/bin/activate
      (venv) % flou run api
    • Run the Flou Engine:

      % cd my_flou_project
      % source venv/bin/activate
      (venv) % flou run engine
  3. For the Studio and Docs go to the flou repo:

    • Run the Flou Studio and visit http://localhost:8001 :

      % source venv/bin/activate
      (venv) % cd flou/studio
      (venv) % npm run dev -- --port 8001
    • Run the Flou Docs and visit http://localhost:8002 :

      % source venv/bin/activate
      (venv) % cd flou/docs
      (venv) % mkdocs serve -a